Something on your mind? We've got you covered Frequently asked questions

Question Can I cancel the sale of my car?

Question It is possible to cancel the sale, even after accepting our valuation. If we haven't processed payment, you can cancel your sale by informing a member of our team. Please let us know if you wish to cancel as soon as possible, by calling our office or sending us an email.

Question What is a guaranteed offer?

Question We guarantee that the valuation we provide is a genuine offer to purchase your vehicle, subject to a vehicle appraisal on collection.

Question Can I keep my personal plate?

Question To keep your personal number plate, you must apply to remove your registration number from the vehicle and hold it on a retention document. Simply send a completed form V317, along with your V5 and MOT certificate, to your nearest DVLA office. Further details can be obtained from the DVLA website. Please be aware that we can only buy your car once you have the full V5 document back from the DVLA.

Question Are there any hidden fees?

Question We are totally transparent when it comes to our valuations and there are no hidden fees. We offer a free valuation service and free vehicle collection.

Question How do you make a payment?

Question On collection of your vehicle we will transfer funds directly into your chosen bank account.

Question Will you guarantee an online valuation?

Question We are unable to guarantee online offers as they are subject to a vehicle appraisal. Online valuations are based on the description and images that you provide. If the online appraisal varies to the physical appraisal, we will need to reflect this in our offer.

Question Will I save money by dropping my car in?

Question As we offer free pick-up to all our customers, the quote will not be adjusted if you don’t wish to take us up on this. If you are local and would like to deliver your vehicle you are more than welcome to visit us.

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Rated 5 Stars

I would like to thank the Essex Car Buyers buying my 4x4! I had been wasting money trying to sell it online myself and it was stressful. I was so pleased to sell it locally for a good price.

Davy Gedman Harlow